Peptides in Skincare: Learn the Benefits
Over the passage of time, science has proven that cosmetic peptides fulfill a significant role in managing wrinkles and fine lines. So much so that a few studies even claim cosmetic peptides can reverse the signs of aging.
However, the million dollar question is: how do peptides present in cosmetic products make your skin supple and younger? And given the fact that almost all cosmetic products, particularly anti-aging creams, consist of this ingredient, it is important to know what peptides are:
What are Peptides for Skin Care?
The human skin is majorly composed of collagen. Collagen is a protein that comprises a long chain of amino acids that are connected to one another.
In order to understand peptides better, it is important to understand the role of collagen
• Collagen serve as a foundation and maintains the skin’s natural thickness and texture,
• Women aged below 30 have sufficient levels of collagen in their skin – a key reason why their skin seems smooth and tight,
• As women start aging (after the age of 30) their skin naturally starts producing lesser quantities of collagen. As a result, their skin becomes thin, saggy and wrinkled.
When collagen breakdown takes place, shorter chains of amino acids are produced. In other words, smaller and more active, known as peptides, emerge. In the field of skincare, peptides yield dramatic results particularly when it comes to attaining anti-aging benefits.
Primarily, cosmetic peptides fulfill two revolutionary roles in the field of skincare:
Improves Collagen Production for a Younger-Looking Skin
As we age, the natural collagen present in our skin deteriorates on account of various factors (both environmental and non-environmental). However, in most cases, this loss is not fully replaced. Consequently, our skin gets thinner, filled with fine lines and wrinkles.
When collagen breaks down, it generates certain peptides. According to a Research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), these peptides send a “signal” to your skin that the lost collagen must be replaced with new one. So, when anti-aging creams (consisting of cosmetic peptides) are applied to the skin, the skin believes it to be a collagen breakdown product and the body must now produce new collagen. So, cosmetic peptides can productively curtail wrinkles and provide your skin with a more youthful appearance. Therefore, dermatologists often recommend people to use a good cosmetic peptide anti-aging cream.
Removes Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Anti-aging creams that are composed of cosmetic peptides are increasingly growing to be popular because of their effectiveness. For instance, Acetyl Hexapeptide has been deemed a safer, affordable, and lesser invasive substitute to Botox.
Cosmetic peptides are additionally known to relax the facial muscles. As a result, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines are reduced to a minimum.
In most cases, it’s combined with Leuphasyl, a key ingredient which facilitates the relaxation of minuscule muscles underneath the skin. This is predominantly useful for vanishing wrinkles surrounding the eyes and forehead.
What Are Peptides?
To begin with, collagen is a form of protein that’s made from long-length amino acid chains attached together. However, it is important to understand that peptides possess the same chemical structure as proteins, but its chain is shorter than that of proteins. Peptides are basically constructed from the leftovers of amino acids. Generally, peptides are polypeptide that comprise about 30-50 amino acids in the chain.
Typically, peptides come in two forms: natural and synthetic. Modern cosmetic peptides are lab engineered and hence they are known to produce much more effective results.
Unlike proteins and amino acids, peptides do not have any species specificity. Consider this: fish collagen present in a cosmetic cream will not do any good to the skin. However, if you breakdown this collagen and add derivative peptides into it, the results will certainly be rejuvenating and enriching for the skin.
According to various scientific investigations, cosmetic results can be achieved even with very low levels of peptides in cosmetic products. Furthermore, it has zero level of toxicity and is not hazardous for the skin.
Here’s a brief summary of the functions fulfilled by cosmetic peptides in a wide range of cosmetic skincare products:
• They encourage the production of collagen and prevent any cross linkage among them,
• Improves the skin by making it soft and supple,
• Stimulate superoxide dismutase (a protective antioxidant enzyme),
• Improve organic mechanism protecting antioxidants,
• Exercise control over melanogenesis (this holds back the production of melanin),
• Alleviate tenderness and encourage skin regenerative procedures,
• Improve the circulation of blood at micro-level (microcirculation).
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